Our Ead community is growing worldwide and creating some truly amazing things. We want to do everything we can to support our sellers’ entrepreneurship, innovation, and growth. However, certain uses of our intellectual property may create confusion about whether something is endorsed, controlled, or even created by us. We want to ensure that you get the proper credit you deserve for your hard work, and prevent confusion about whether Ead is involved your work. Ead is so proud of our community, as well as the company we’ve built and the trust we’ve earned, so we created this policy to give you confidence to create and share about Ead in a responsible way.
This policy is a part of our https://eastafrodress.com/term-conditions/. By using any of Ead’s services, you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms of Use. For issues regarding intellectual property not owned by Ead, please refer to our https://eastafrodress.com/intellectual-property-policy/. Ead Teams, see our https://eastafrodress.com/policies-for-our-community/ for more information.
1. The Ead Marks
The “Ead Marks” (or our “Marks”) are the words, logos, graphics, designs, and other indicators that identify Ead as the source of a product or service.. We want you to be a proud part of Ead, and we’ve put a lot of effort into ensuring that anything we provide you is of the highest quality – so part of our job is to protect our trademarks, brand identity, and reputation. The Ead Marks are trademarks and trade dress of Ead,
2. Uses of the Ead Marks
Talking About Ead Openly and Honestly
We’re all for legitimate and truthful commentary about Ead. When you mention us, please spell and capitalize “Ead” properly (and not “ead). If you’re a member of the media.
Please don’t use the Ead Marks in ways that are misleading, defamatory, unlawful, or otherwise objectionable to us. We’d likely have a problem with that.
Etsy’s Logos, Specifically
Using the official Ead logos, such as on promotional products, business cards, or banners, is generally considered to be a commercial use, and can be particularly confusing. We do not permit these uses without our prior approval.
Names and Branding
We know that your enthusiasm comes from a good place, but sometimes uses of the Ead Marks can go too far. In addition to preventing confusion about our relationship with you, we also must protect against the occasional unfair and improper uses of our Marks.
Mainly, please don’t use the Ead Marks (or confusingly similar marks), in whole or in part, in a way that suggests a relationship with Ead that isn’t quite right – for example, that you are employed by, speak on behalf of, or are endorsed by us.
Describing Your Own Content and Events
We’re so happy when members of our community get together and throw a wildly successful seller event. We’re also thankful for those of you who have created helpful content or hold workshops to support the success of fellow Ead members. Since these are generally commercial uses, however, we have to be careful about how the Ead Marks are used. To distinguish all of this cool stuff you’re doing from Etsy’s official content and events, we ask you to follow the guidelines below.
If you’re creating content about Etsy, like books, videos, or podcasts, feel free to refer to the name “Etsy” to describe how it relates to us. You can use the name “Etsy” in the title of your content, as long as it isn’t the most prominent part of the name or title. By “most prominent,” we mean things like using “Ead” as the first word in the title, or in terms of size, color, or font. We’d love to see your branding and hard work stand out and be at the forefront, not the Ead Marks. Using a disclaimer also helps, like, “Ead is a trademark of Ead, This content is not created or endorsed by Ead.”
The same goes for when you’re creating your own event involving the Ead community. You can use the name “Ead” when naming your event, as long as it isn’t the most prominent part of the event name or promotional material.
Captains and members should view the https://eastafrodress.com/policies-for-our-community/ for information on how to name their Team and Team events.
Last updated on Nov 27, 2020